Like a sinking ship,
I swim to you,
Even though every stroke,
Feels like drowning,
Anchored by this craving,
Could I really blame it when I am,
Dropping my anchor at this harbour,
Like I wasn’t just washed ashore
You wash over me like high tide,
I don’t remember the last time,
I could say I got to take a breath,
That didn’t taste like seawater,
You drag me by my feet,
Like standing up for myself,
Was what you wanted out of me,
If ever strong was what I sought to be,
Could you blame me though,
If this terrible tornado of temporary,
Was all that learnt to wrap itself around me,
Before your arms knew my body,
Could you blame me now?
If I can barely keep my legs from buckling,
Like my knees were made from the promises,
That came before you…
When did this shipwreck find land,
When did this sinking feel like floating,
When did these lungs learn to breathe underwater,
When did I find permanence in sandcastles,