She said, “I would like to be your muse,
To be the reason for the art, so use me,
Paint me in all the colours you see,
So I can show the world how love looks,”
How to tell her it doesn’t seem to me,
Like the appeal is worth the wish,
Knowing even a model looks twice,
Every time the camera clicks,
Even a voice taps the microphone twice,
Before it opens up and sings,
So tell me you are willing to stand in the open,
And give without doubting your step...
Every time the painter sets up his canvas,
The light shifts on the subject,
As if the universe is whispering,
“Get my best side,”
And if the best side was all that there is,
Would I be so wrong in saying how flat it would be,
To paint a picture with no dark,
With no shadows or textures where light lacks,
Let me frame you in this experience,
Knowing words could never capture you fully,
Though I will still write it down,
If this mystery of the missing piece is your beauty,
When it is all of you in that art,
Take your liberty in saying it was you,,
Who inspired this,