I am marking the finish line with temporary tape,
I am lining the path there with tunnelled vision,
I will not be caught unawares looking at the crowds,
Celebrating a crossing that may never happen,
I am covering my efforts in perseverance,
I am convinced that’s the only way to make it,
Masking a fear of the unknown on the other side,
With a blind acceptance of an unsure outcome,
I am hiding behind faith that is feeble,
A belief in the delusion of safety,
Telling myself that this time,
The ending shall not come unexpectedly,
I thought I was ready for you,
I braced the muscles I had trained,
To hold myself together against the whiplash,
I suppose even that was not adequate,
I am realizing that in this vacuum,
There is a shifting goalpost and with no drag,
The shots taken will keep flying towards it,
I am just not sure they are on target anymore,
I am dealing with it,
A smile on my face and shredded pleasantries,
As words split to fit between my teeth,
How are you an unexpected visitor again?