Frankhie Muthumbi
1 min readFeb 22, 2023


Photo by Frankhie Muthumbi

When you come to my door,
Please knock softly,
The child inside is asleep,
And I’d prefer you don’t wake him,

When you come to my door,
Please take off your shoes,
For I just mopped the floor,
I’d rather not do it again,

When you come to my door,
Please carry with you, gifts,
It is in my culture,
Not to show up empty-handed,

When you come to my door,
Please stop to smell the flowers,
Let me know when you come in,
How my garden is flourishing,

When you come to my door,
Please give me a minute,
To get my affairs in order,
I won’t be long,

When you come to my door,
I’ll be expecting you,
Even without a day or time,
I’ll be expecting you,

When you come to my door,
Please, knock before you enter
I don’t mind raising my voice just enough,
To whisper, “Come in.”

~ Frankhie



Frankhie Muthumbi

Perfectly Imperfect || Human, Alexithymiac Poet, Writer, Musician