Nothing makes a room feel more vacant,
Than yearning it be filled by another’s presence
I can only imagine what Adam felt,
A world full of possibilities yet empty,
I wonder what he felt to walk
In his purpose, yet talk nothing of it,
It only makes more sense how deeply he felt,
When Eve was fashioned for him,
It explains how his love is romanticized,
I bet it was poignant and Eve felt every last drop,
What do you do with love from someone,
Whose only teacher was God,
Willing he took the apple from his hand,
Trusting her with his all,
Knowing the vulnerability of the ask,
Was a defiance against God, as man.
Yet for her, his was a clear-cut yes.
Maybe somewhere inside,
Every man wishes to be Adam,
If ever he is to stand before his Eve,
He found what he loved,
And he let it kill him.